EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.- The opinion is every day growing stronger that the senior class made a mistake in choosing Mr. Notman as class photographer. The work is not nearly as good as the samples shown to the committee. The sittings for this album were given very hurriedly, and the proofs were in most cases wholly unsatisfactory. The operator allowed us to sit in any position we happened to drop into, only urging us to "look as pleasant as possible." Two or three proofs were taken in as many seconds, and we were dismissed with the assurance that "these will be very nice," and "next" was called.
Before the contract was made, Mr. Notman promised to do the work in highest style at his Boston studio. With that undesstanding, the contract was given him by a small majority vote of the class, at the urgent recommendation of the photographic committee. Now it has been rumored on good authority that Mr. Notman has sub-let the contract for finishing the class pietures to a Boston firm whose business it is to finish work for amateur photographers. If this is true, and the writer believes it to be true, or this communication would not have been written a great injustice is being done the class. The senior class elected Mr. Notman, and not a Boston amateur. We fully expected that the work would be done under Mr. Notman's personal supervision, and if this is not being done, the class should know of it. The committee should investigate this matter at once, and report to the class. '85.
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