
Fact and Rumor.

The preliminary trial of the competitors for Boylston prizes will be held on Saturday, May 2nd, at 2 o'clock. Cheering in the morning at the class races, prize speaking in the afternoon!

The lacrosse twelve will play their first match this afternoon on Jarvis at the close of the base-ball game. The Somervilles, their opponents, last season won the junior championship of New England.

The sophomore crew came out yesterday in their new uniforms. All the crews now, with the exception of the freshman, are uniformed. The class colors,- green and white, '85; blue and white, '86; orange and black, '87, form the distinguishing features of the different uniforms.

The following fourteen men will compose the lacrosse team and substitutes in the game this afternoon: Blodgett, '87; Drake, '87; Gardner, '87; Goodale, '85; Henning, C. S.; Hood, '86; Nichols, L. S.; Noyes, '85; Pastoreous, '87; H. E. Peabody, '87; Rueter, L. S., Twombly, L. S.; Williams, '85; Woods, '85.

The Boston Record thinks that it is significant, as showing how Boston muscle is at a premium, that not only the champion prize fighter hails from their centre of culture, but that seventeen of the thirty-two members of the Harvard class crews claim Boston as their home.


"With their Autner at the front, and with above half of the Harvard class crews, the city at which scoffing New York pokes fun can afford to treat her jeering rivals with silent contempt."
