
Fact and Rumor.

In the coming winter meetings, if there are more than five contestants in any event, a second prize will be given in that contest.

It is rumored that the glee club in conjunction with the Pierian Sodality will give a concert this spring, for the benefit of the boat club.

The New York performances of the Hasty Pudding Club theatricals, will be on the 6th and 7th of April, in the University Club theatre.

Dr. Sargent has taken charge of the gymnasium of the Young Women's Christian Association in Boston, and has formed a ladies class in gymnastics at Lawrence.

The Harvard students are contemplating the production of "Julius Caesar," and Puck would suggest that they use bona fide daggers, and prevail on Rossa to play the title role.- (Puck.


There has been complaint that the iron ends on some of the smaller dumbbells, are insecurely fastened, and drop off. This ought to be attended to at once.

The history of college journalism begins with the Dartmouth Guzette which was first issued in the year 1810; and it is a noteworthy fact that Daniel Webster lent his first literary efforts to this college journal. To-day there are fully two hundred college papers regularly published.

As foot ball has been practically abolished, a number of old foot ball men ought to turn their attention to Lacrosse. The sport is one which brings into play fully as many mental and physical qualities as foot-ball, and is not attened with so much roughness, nor marred by so frequent injuries.
