
Fact and Rumor.

The contributor to the Nation attacks the literary merit of translations from the classics, saying that most of them are "comparatively worthless."

It is rumored that strong efforts will be made, to present another Greek play here next year, as a part of the celebration of the 250th anniversary.

Thursday evening, the Amherst Alumni held a dinner at Young's. Many alumni were present, and the dinner was in every respect a notable success.

Gleason, one of the candidates for the freshman nine, fell Saturday while running on the track in the gymnasium, and, it is feared, injured his knee seriously.

The college journal is almost peculiar to this country. None are published by students in England, or on the continent, but there are a few in Austria and New Zealand.


The Princetonian has figured that at Yale thirty per cent. of the Freshmen room in the college buildings; at Harvard, forty-eight per cent.; and at Princeton, eighty-four per cent.

At the last meeting of the Harvard Natural History Society, held Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1885, the following gentlemen were elected to membership: William A. Locy, R. G., Shirley R. Snow, '86, John L. Ames, '87.

The Lampoon has sent around postal cards asking students to subscribe for the second half year. All that is necessary to do is to sign one's name to the card and drop it in the post. Surely this is but little trouble, and no one ought to fail to aid the paper in helping to gain the required 200 subscriptions.
