
Fact and Rumor.

Senior class debates have been successful in one respect at least, they have developed a real fourth of July orator. Witness: "the great American Eagle stands with one foot in Alaska and the other on Cape Cod; dips its tail in the St. Lawrence and drinks from the Gulf of Mexico."-(Amherst Student.

Princeton ought to have one of the best Glee Clubs in the country, judging by the material from which to choose members. Over one hundred voices have been examined by Mr. Schnecker, and class Glee Clubs formed in the three lower classes. Each club will have its own organization, and will practice twice a week.

Plans are being made at Yale for the enlargement of the library, which, it is said, is now far from adequate to meet the wants of the students. If the library is improved according to the best plans now offered by the architects to the faculty and corporation, it will have a capacity of 2,000,000 volumes and will be one of the handsomest buildings of its kind in existence.

There has been a sudden demand for rooms by those living at 4 Holyoke St., froms the fact that Mr. J. M. Hilton has ordered all the occupants to leave the premises before March 1st, and this in the face of a verbal agreement that they should not be disturbed before September. This is not a matter of surprise to those who are acquainted with his philanthropic character.

Those who would like to see a vigorous defence of foot ball and pretty sharp criticism of the action of the Faculty on the foot ball question, would find an article by Mr. W. C. Camp in last Sunday's Herald of great interest. Mr. Camp handles his subject in a very entertaining manner, and in addition to his defence of the game, gives a short account of the way the game used to be played in America, showing that the Rugby game is much safer than the old game.

