
Fact and Rumor.

The Herald of Saturday devoted three columns to a detailed account of Dr. Taussig's lecture on the tariff, delivered before the Mass. Tariff Reform Association last Friday.

The Cornell crew and nine in training have the advantage of a very elaborate and useful series of regulations about diet and conduct prepared by Dr. Hitchcock for their especial benefit.

Last Wednesday was the seventh anniversary of the founding of our esteemed contemporary, the Yale News, which issued with the morning paper, a copy of the first sheet published. It is gratifying to see some verses from the Harvard Advocate in this virgin sheet of Yale.

The inmates of the middle entry of Thayer who rushed out of their rooms at half past eleven o'clock last Friday night with the thought that a tragedy was occurring in the entry, were disappointed. They found only the remains of a large common cracker which some gentleman with a keen sense of humor had exploded on the third landing.

Mr. N. C. Nash, '84, ran up a clean score of 10 consecutive bulls eyes, 200 yards, off hand, at Walnut Hill last Saturday. This is a remarkable performance, only right men in America holding this record.

