
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. A. Z. Bowen, '85, is preparing an illustrated lecture on Harvard and the life of her students. This is the first of a series on American colleges, to be delivered throughout the United States.

First Under-graduate (reading out) : "Will this do, Gus? 'Mr. Smith presents his compliments to Mr. Jones, and finds he has a cap which isn't mine. So, if you have a cap which isn't his, no doubt they are the ones.' "

Second under-graduate : "Oh, yes! first-rate."-(Punch.

The indoor spring meeting of the Technology athletic club will be held on Saturday, March 7, at 2 o'clock. The following events will be contested : Running high jump, running high kick (open), standing high jump (open), parallel bars, handicap fence vault (open), putting shot (open), pole vault (open), sparring, light weight (open), feather weight, middle weight (open), tug-ofwar (open). Events marked open will be open only to members of the H. A. A. C., U. A. A. C., B. Y. M. C. U. and B. Y. M. C. A., or any college alumnus.

A gallant Harvard sophomre distinguished himself recently in a way that has given him much honorable, but rather unpleasant, fame about the college. It seems that, while escorting a young lady to the theatre one night last week, a drunken ruffian attacked him on Boylston street, at the same time insulting the lady. The student, though much the smaller man, knocked the fellow down, as it happened, into a stairway which led from the street into the celler of a store. The man struck his head against a stone step, was knocked senseless, and, with the aid of a policeman, was sent to the hospital, bleeding copiously from a gash in his head. [Boston Herald.

