
Fact and Rumor.

Philosophy 4 will devote the recitation of to-morrow to the consideration of the more difficult questions arising in that course.

Goodwin '88 of Yale, a rusher on the foot ball team, married a young lady of New Haven and left college for California.

Mr. Lathrop considers sprint running on the ice, when the weather is mild, excellent exercise: in accordance with his suggestion, Baker '86 tried it last Saturday on Holmes Field.

Last night at 5 minutes before seven several boarders at Memorial were surprised to find that the gas had suddenly been turned off by the functionary in charge, and that they must leave the hall.

Mr. F. G. Fogg '85, will enter for the "Running High Kick" at the Technology games, and attempt to break the amateur "Hitch and Kick" record, 8 feet 5 inches.


The Lampoon contains a cut illustrative of the beauties of snow-shoeing. After this, the proposed snow-shoe club out to meet no difficulty in effecting an organization.

The funeral of Mr. Arthur M. Hawkins, '84, will take place at 11 o'clock, Tuesday, Feb. 17th, from the house of his parents, 5 West 34th street, New York.

In order to check the growing intemperance among the students, the faculty of Lafayette college have commenced proceedings against several liquor dealers on the charge of selling to minors.

The Argonaut Rowing Club of Toronto, has decided to send its four-oar crew, which now holds the amateur championship of America, to the next regatta at Henly, England. Everything seems to point to a victory for the crew when across the water.

According to Bells' Life, the English Sporting Journal, John Teemer the oarsman, has been devoting his time to coaching the Oxford and Cambridge crews. Exactly how he has been able to do all this, as he has been at home in Pennsylvania all winter, is not explained.
