
Fact and Rumor.

Ayer '87 is now rowing on his class crew.

The freshmen at Wesleyan have 17 hours of recitations a week.

All of Professor Dunbar's lectures during the past week were omitted.

Marks in Greek 10 may possibly be recdy at the recitation of Monday next.

Yale and Cornell have just held their Junior receptions, or "Promenades," as their phraseology has it.


Only two of the '87 tug-of-war team of last year are now in college, Remington and Litchfield.

The inter-collegiate challenge cup was exhibited in the meeting room, yesterday afternoon.

Messrs. H. LaMonte, '86, E. B. Stewart, '87, and J. R. Purdon, '88, have been elected to the Lampoon board.

The freshman class is now the only class which has failed to elect its delegation to the conference committee.

A canvass is being made in the Brown Freshman class to see if the money necessary to support a crew can be raised.

The regular battery of the Brown nine this year will be Gunderson and Clark. with Humes and Wooster, '88, as substitutes.

Professor Jencks of Brown University, has just started on a long tour, to go to Alaska, and to the Sandwich Islands.- (Ex.

The students of the University of Vermont are to hold a mock courtmartial, under the direction of their military instructor.

According to the News, "Bangers," are disappearing quite rapidly from the stores down street. Perhaps a new stock will be necessary.

The News reprints our item to the effect that Ross, the athlete, is fitting for college, with the added information that he is coming to Harvard.
