
University Calendar.


Orchestral Concert. Symphony Orchestra. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 p.m.

5. SATURDAY.Medical Faculty. Meeting at the Medical School, Boston. 7.30 p.m.

FORENSICS.The first junior forensic will be due on Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 1 to 2 p.m. in Sever 1. The forensic should be written on theme paper and should not be folded; the separate sheets should be securely fastened together.


Overdue forensics will not be accepted by the Instructor unless the writers have satisfied the Dean that the delay of their work was unavoidable.

The list of forensic topics will be found at the Library in alcove 5.

Any students unsupplied with the announcements concerning forensics for 1885-86, can obtain copies of the pamphlet at U. 5. Especial attention is called to the fact that the present pamphlet contains a list of such among last year's topics as will not be accepted for use during the coming year.

For purposes of consultation with seniors about their forensic work Prof. Royce will be in the Library, at closed alcove 25, at the following hours: Tuesday and Friday, from 2.30 to 4.

The consultation hours for juniors will be suspended after Monday, Nov. 30.

JUNIOR AND SOPHOMORE THEMES.Mr. Clymer will meet the junior and sophomore classes on Friday, Dec. 4, at 4 o'clock, in Sever 11.

Junior theme III will be due on Tuesday, Dec. 22. Subject: A narrative.

Sophomore theme III will be returned on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. in Sever 5.

Sophomore theme IV will be due on Thursday, Dec. 3. Subject: A description.
