ONE-MILE RUN.The mile run was contested by F. B. Dana, '88, scratch; A. T. Dudley, '87, 10 yards; P. Marquand, '89, 50 yards; G. L. Deblois, '89, 65 yards. Dudley started in good form, running easily and well, and soon passed Marquand and Deblois. Then Marquand passed Deblois and Dana passed both of them. At the half Dana's time was 2 minutes 23 1-2s. Deblois dropped out on the third quarter. Dudley still led though Dana was gaining on him, while Marquand was badly tired. Dana's time on the third was 3.44. On the fourth lap Dudley was running seemingly as fresh as ever and won easily in 4m. 58s., with Dana second. Record 4m. 37 3-4s. by Cuyler, of Yale.
220-YARDS-DASH.S. G. Wells, '86, scratch, C. O. Lander, 2 yards; W. S. Scott, '89. 7 yards; E. C. Stowell, '88, 7 yards; L. S. Thayer, '88, 7 yards, were the contestants in the dash. They obtained a good start and Wells soon got the lead and kept the advantage, winning the race in 24 1-4s. C. O. Lander came in second. Record, 22 2-5s. by Baker of Harvard.
THROWING THE HAMMER.Entries, H. B. Gibson, '88, scratch; D. H. Clark, '86, 1ft.; W. J. Bowen, '87, 3ft.; D. B. Chamberlain, '86. 4ft.; J. T Davis, '89, 11ft.; G. L. Hunter, '89, 11ft. Clark won with a throw of 76ft. 9in. to his credit. Record, 88ft. 11in. by Kip of Harvard.
HALF MILE RUN.Much interest centred in this race as it was expected that Baker might break the record. The entries were, Wendell Baker, '86 (scratch), E. L. Blossom, '88, (75 yards), and C. N. B. Wheeler, '86, (90 yards). Baker did not run well, and although he overtook Blossom, Wheeler won the race by about 12 yards. Wheeler's time was 1m. 59 s., Baker's 2m. 5 1-2s. Record, 2m. 4-5s. by Goodwin, '84.
120 YARDS HURDLE RACE.The 120 yards hurdle race, for which were entered J. D. Bradley, '86 (scratch); F. B. Lund, '88, (10 yards); F. L. B. Noble, '88 (17 yards), was won by Noble, with Lund second. The race was very close. Noble's time was 17 1-2 seconds. Record, 17 1-2 by Mulford of Columbia.
440 YARDS RUN.Entries, S. G. Wells, '86 (scratch); C. N. Wells, S. S. (5 yards); H. L. Clark, '87 (6 yards); and J. M. Smith, '89 (15 yards). The race was close between Wells, '86 and Wells, S. S. On the last 100 yards, Wells, '86 took the lead and won in 54 1-5s. The winner is a very fast runner, but his whole ambition seems to be simply to win the race, and when he has secured a lead, he makes no effort to make good time. Record, 50 1-4s. by Baker.
RUNNING BROAD JUMP.The following were the contestants in the running broad jump: J. D. Bradley, '86, scratch; R. D. Smith, '86, 4 inches; F. B. Lund, '88, 10 inches, and T. H. Shepard, '88, 20 inches. It was won by J. D. Bradley, with a jump of 19ft. 11 1-2in. Lund came second with a jump of (corrected) 19ft. 9in. Record, 21ft. 3 1-2 in. by Bodlesen of Columbia.
THROWING 56-POUND WEIGHT.The last event of the day was the throwing of the 56-lb. weight (distance and height). The contestants were H. B. Gibson, '88; D. C. Clark, '86; and D. B. Chamberlain, '86. Chamberlain threw both further and higher than his rivals, and easily won the event. He threw in length 21ft. 7in., and in height just 10ft. Best amateur record, distance 26ft. 3 1-4in., height, 11ft. 4in.
The officers of the meeting were: referee, W. F. Wesselhoeft, '84; judges, Prof. C. R. Lanman, H. B. Cabot; time keepers, E. E. Merrill, W. R. Trask, '85; J. G. Lathrop, E. A. Thompson, '87; starter, Dr. Swain; judge of walking, E. E. Merrill; measurers, S. H. Fessenden, '86, F. S. Coolidge, '87; scorer, F. Remington, '87; clerk of course, C. Amory, '88; assistant clerk of course, J. M. Hallowell, '88.