There will be a cut in N. H. 2 tomorrow.
The '87-'88 game will probably be played on Monday.
Hopkins, '88, sprained his knee while playing foot-ball yesterday afternoon.
Spectators remark that the '86 eleven is playing a very rough game.
The annual examinations have been abolished at Williams.
Princeton is leading in the inter-collegiate chess tournament.
The Princetonian feels discouraged at the play of the freshman eleven.
E. Storrow, '89, has been appointed acting captain of the freshman crew.
There will be a hare and hounds run to-day, starting from Matthews at 3.30 p.m.
The annual dinner of the Polo Club will be held on Monday evening, at Young's, at 6.30 p.m.
Eight of the Yale freshman eleven have played on the 'Varsity eleven in some game or other.
Every American amateur and professional bicycle record has been broken during 1885.
The scores in the first of Wednesday's matches of the Shooting Club are the best ever made in the history of the club.
The sophomores and freshmen at the University of Michigan have been engaged in a foot-ball game that has lasted two whole Saturday afternoons. '88 scored a goal on the last day. The game remains unfinished.
Students in N. H. 16 are working on the U. S. Coast Survey. An area of 50 miles of the coast near Boston has been assigned to the class.
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