Prof. Richards will not be able to conduct his courses at Yale. Prof. Dexter will occupy his place.
The publication of essential changes in the revised foot-ball rules is delayed until to-morrow on account of lack of space.
Both candidates for governor of Massachusetts are graduates of Harvard. Robinson was a member of '56 and Prince of '36.
A new candidate for the nine has appeared in Henshaw, '89, He is a very heavily built man and ought to withstand the swiftest pitching.
The announcement of the lawn tennis tournament, which reached the office of the CRIMSON as the paper was about to go to press, effectually answers the editorial upon that subject to be found in another column.
Mr. Kimball has appointed the following committee to assist him in making arrangements for the revival of foot-ball: - Messrs. G. S. Adams, '86, Gordon Woodbury, '86 and T. P. Burgess, '87.
The Yale academic freshman crew consists of Bishop, Newell, Beckwith, West, Donelly and Moses; the scientific freshman crew of Bull, Bond, Stewart, Carter, Dockendorff and Franchot (stroke).
At the meeting of the Harvard Union the following officers were elected for the ensuing half year:- president, J. M. Merriam, '86; vice-president, E. J. Rich, '87; secretary and treasurer, R. B. Mahany, '88. The question chosen for the next debate was, Resolved, that President Cleveland's administration has been and promises to be in the direction of reform. The executive committee will be announced to-morrow.