
Fact and Rumor.

'89 has had several promising candidates on the field daily, practicing with Mr. Lathrop. The mile walk promises to be especially well contested.

The Cornell sophomores beat the freshmen at base-ball, Saturday, by a score of 25 to 2. In the first inning the sophomores made 22 runs.

A student recently fainted in one of the recitation rooms, the air of which was said to be so impure that it was fairly sickening. [Amherst Student.

The reference book in History 2 will be out Thursday, and will be on sale at Wheeler's. All men desiring copies should hand in their names at once.

Mr. Ferris, according to the latest and most accurate report, will remain in Cambridge until spring and will then go to Dartmouth and superintend the training of the Mott Haven team.


Owing to the beautiful moonlight nights lately, many bicyclists have been taking advantage of them to take long runs, many going to Lynn, where the roads are in fine condition.

The Chamber Concerts will be given on Thursday evenings as follows: Nov. 12, Dec. 17, and Jan. 11. The Listeman quartette will render selections from the great masters. Tickets for the course, $2.00. For sale at Sever's.

Candidates for the freshman crew have now been reduced in number to about fifty. They row half an hour in the gymnasium every afternoon, work on the weights, and take short runs on the track. Every one of the fifty candidates who applied is said to weigh over 150 pounds.
