
Meeting of Base-Ball Association

Last evening in Holden Chapel was held the annual meeting of the Base-Ball Association. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, Mr. James A. Frye was chosen temporary chairman. Manager Claflin then read the report printed below, which was accepted, and the Association elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, A. D. Claflin, '86; vice-president, D. C. Clark, '86; manager of nine, A. B. Potter, '87; treasurer, W. H. Rand, '88.



Bills transmitted, $206.81

Board of nine, 726.32


Paid visiting nines, 688.15

Uniforms, 667.03

Seats on Holmes Field, 495.59

Expenses of games in Cambridge, police, etc., 473.30

Printing, 404.15

Care of fields, Holmes and Jarvis, 441.25

Flooring cage in gymnasium, 189.67

Prize cups,' class nines and university nine, 175.00

Umpire tax, 140.00

Bat trunk, striking bag, etc., 71.84
