'88 is said to have lost over forty men.
King, '85, has entered the Law School.
Lee and F. T. Lincoln have re-entered '86.
Dunham, '85, is in the Medical School.
Mr. N. C. Nash, '84, will return to college as a special student.
Henry Cabot Lodge has issued his fourth volume of Hamilton's works.
T. Hunt, ex '86, has returned to college, having spent a year in Europe.
T. H. Root, '85, is at present teaching modern languages in Memphis, Tenn.
It is rumored that the Boat Club will hold a fall regatta for class crews.
W. H. Garrison, '83, and F. H. Darling, '84, have entered the Law School.
Richard Aldrich, '85, is on the reportorial staff of the Providence Journal.
A new edition of Lowells "Biglow Papers" has appeared from the Riverside Press.
Mr. Lutz, the former German instructor, has received an appointment in a western college.
Dr. E. E. Hale, Dr. Phillips Brooks and various college presidents will deliver a course of lectures at Exeter during the academic year.
Chas. Kendall Adams, formerly of Ann Arbor, is the successor of President White at Cornell.
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