
Fact and Rumor.

The annual dinner of the Massachusetts Rifle Association will be held at the Quincy House, next week Members are reminded that they are at liberty to bring friends.

The Yale Polo Club has twelve good players in training for the seven positions on its team. It has challenged our polo team, under a slight misapprehension as to facts.

Mr. Sumner Coolidge, '83, who has gone west to Marqette, Mich., has organized a musical association there, of which he is director, which has already given a very successful concert.

The prayer-petition is now completed and it will soon be sent before the faculty. The petition was only circulated among the students of the collegiate department, yet it has received over 900 signatures.

The Harvard Chess Club recently organized, is now in a very good condition, having about twenty members. The officers are: President, Ward Thoron, '86; Secretary, Rowland Hayward, L. S. S.


There is a project on foot in Baltimore, Md., for the establishment of a Catholic college for the education of American students for the Josephite Order. The labors of the priests of this Order are confined exclusively to the colored races.-[Ex.

Dr. Sargent was in New York during the recess, completing the apparatus in the new gymnasium of the New York Athletic Club. This gymnasium will be the finest in the country, surpassing even the Hemen way gymnasium in the completeness of appointments and apparatus.

The next Mathematical Seminar will be held tomorrow at 4 P. M. in U. 19. Mr. Haskell will lecture on "The theory of members." The subject for discussion will be: I. Curvature of the cogs of wheels. II. Problem. A circle of unknown radius has its centre on the circumference of a given circle and incloses within it a given area. Find the unknown radius.
