Buley, '86, will probably be unable to return to college this year. His injuries, received in the gymnasium last term, have proved more serious than they were at first supposed to be.
It has been decided to have sparring on the first Ladies Day of the winter meetings. The large number of encries made it impossible to have all the sparring finished on the other days.
A large movable mirror has been obtained for use of the University crew in the rowing room. Each oarsman is thereby enabled to see for himself the faults pointed out by the coach.
The Princeton nine will include five of the regular players, and two substitutes of the team of last year. Three batteries are now at work, and the candidates for the nine number eighteen, in all.
The Princeton lacrosse team is hard at work in the gymnasium. Nearly all the members of the old team are in college this year, and there are several candidates as good as the old men.
Turf, Field and Farm says: "Dr. D. A Sargent frequently interests and instructs those who hasten to or read his discourses on athletics, but the learned gentleman overstepped the mark when in a recent lecture on. The evils of the professional tendency of modern athletics," he asserted that rowing, boating, cricket and pedestrianism had their best day, and that base ball would die out before long.