Thales said, "All things are water." "Ah!" said the thoughtful senior, "then Thales must have in Cambridge."
Our second article on the crews of Harvard deals with the two most important,- the university and freshman crews.
Col. Bancroft, '78, has been made superintendent of the Cambridge horse railroad in place of Richard Hapgood, resigned.
The attack upon the Divinity School printed in the Transcript last week, is said to have been written by Rev. Edward C. Towne.
By a new arrangement the University Calendar will in future be printed on Saturdays, and will appear in the CRIMSON on Mondays.
O that the faculty showed the same consideration for our physical welfare that they do for our spiritual! But, alas, this costs money.
There will be no lecture in Phil. 4 W tomorrow, but Prof. Palmer will be in the lecture room, ready to answer questions in reference to the examination.
Some of the gilded youth of the Law School have formed a new law club, the Beck-Holworthy. From the name one would suppose that the club will take up cases of status principally.
At two successive meetings the class of '87 of the Institute of Technology, has decided by very close votes, not to allow wine on the table at its first dinner, which takes place on the 22nd prox.
The swimming in the yard on Saturday was excellent. The care with which the paths are cleaned of snow evidently shows that the authorities, having our best interests at heart, think that the number of baths which we may take in the gymnasium or elsewhere of our own accord are not sufficient-but that ice cold ones are also necessary for our good health.