
Fact and Rumor.

The Boat Club of the University of Pennsylvania has engaged Ellis Ward as trainer, and its crew will go into training next week.

Foot ball is booming at Dartmouth. The success of the team this year has been satisfactory, and a trainer is talked of for next season.

Burgess, '87, who has been disabled by water on the knee, has again made his appearance at college. He will not be in condition to row for some time

Hansen is giving points to some of the new candidates for the senior crew, to enable them to pull well with the rest of the men. Sutton continues in his good work as coach.

Political Economy 6 and 8 will divide the three hours of the midyear examination between them. Each is a half course and nearly all the men who take one take the other also.


Madeirs, of the University of Pennsylvania, will contest in the intercollegiate sports. He won the mile run this fall in 4.36 4-5, winning the amateur championship of America.

An exchange tells us that there are thirty-one colored students in the Freshman class at Yale. Of these seven are students in law, eleven divinity, and the remaining thirteen medicine.

The Sparring Association of Princeton, which did not reorganize in fall term, will be started in a few days, and is in a fair way to become popular. It already has an extensive and influential membership.
