
Fact and Rumor.

The trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are considering the subject of foot ball with the intention of abolishing, or at least greatly restricting it at that institution.

Over twenty lacrosse men have signified their willingness to practice in the cage. Several more will probably take hold in addition to those who have had hours assigned.

The black letters, H. A. A., on the breasts of the Mott Haven men, signify that they being to the second squad. The crimson letters signify that the wearers belong to the first or superior squad.

One Law School man was horrified to think that anyone should go home during the recess. Fortunately all the men in that department are not so entirely devoted to study as to forget all the ties of family.

A wooden floor or covering is needed for the passage in the gymnasium from the main basement to the lockers in the fencing room. The present concrete floor is unpleasant to the bare feet after bathing.


The Yale College nine has already arranged to play the New Yorks at the Polo Grounds April 2, the Philadelphias 4, and the Athletics 6, in Philadelphia, and the Metropolitans 8, at the Polo Grounds.

The pump in front of Stoughton refuses to yield water, no matter how rigorous the efforts of the thirsty student are, and the pump near Matthews has been without a handle for two months. No wonder that we flock in despair to Adams.

The extraordinary popularity of Rugby foot ball in the north of England was shown Dec. 13 at a match at Bradford between the two strongest clubs of Yorkshire, namely, Bradford and Wakefield Trinity. Twelve thousand tickets were sold before the day of the match, and that day proving fine, the paid attendance totaled 20,000.

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