The Lampoon has accented the Challenge of the CRIMSON to play a game of base-ball. Winslow will probably pitch for the Lampoon nine.
There will be a make-up examination for men who were unable to take the regular examination in Classical Lectures, on Wednesday, June 18th, at 10 A. M., in U. E. R.
The senior class statistics of Brown show that after graduation 12 will teach; 10 study law; 7 medicine; 4 theology; 3 business; 4 various occupations, and 11 undecided.
At the tercentennial exercises at Emmanuel College in Cambridge, Eng. a statue of Rev. John. Harvard, the founder of this university, is to be unveiled.
At the concert of the Wesleyan Glee Club, yesterday evening, by far the best song was the Maid of Athens, solo and chorus. The yodels were not as good as we had hoped to hear.
The new memorial windows to Mr. Cornell, Mr. McGraw and Mr. Fiske have just been received and will be set up in the new memorial chapel of Cornell University before commencement.
The gentlemen appointed by the management to make arrangements for the entertainment of the Yale freshman nine and its supporters are J. S. Whistler, Gordon Dexter and Elisha Flagg.
The Yale nine yesterday had a narrow escape from defeat at the hands of Dartmouth. It took ten innings to decide which was the better nine, the score finally standing 11 to 10 in favor of Yale.
The freshmen lacrosse team will play the Somervills team this afternoon. This game will be watched with considerable interest by the students, as the freshman twelve is to play the Yale freshmen at New Haven, Saturday.