Saturday's victory over Dartmouth insures for us a chance to tie Yale for the championship on Saturday, while if Yale is defeated in either the two games with Princeton and Brown which remain to be played it is more than possible Saturday's game may decide the championship.
The date and locality of the third and decisive game of the freshman series with Yale has not yet been agreed upon. Let us hope that wherever the game may be played, a large delegation from Harvard may be present. The freshmen have a good chance of winning the game, and no one thing will help so materially to victory as good support from their classmates and the college in general.
It is very curious how many home runs have been made in the games which have been played with Dartmouth in Cambridge. In the game played here in the spring of '81 five home runs were made, three by Dartmount and two by Harvard. Dartmouth's three home runs were made by Partridge and Combs, the latter of whom made two. Both of these men were strangely enough left-handed.
The following is the present standing of the college nines:
Yale 1 2 1 2 6 .857 3
Harvard 1 1 1 2 2 7 .777 1
Brown 1 2 2 5 .625 2
Amherst 1 1 1 1 4 .500 2
Princeton 1 1 2 .222 1
Dartmouth 1 1 .111 1
Games lost 1 2 3 4 7 8 25 5