He shakes his mane ; he shakes his tail ;
He listens to the nightsome wail," etc.
This is a very fair specimen of gloom of another kind than that used by the "sea" poets. It has the weirdness and ghastliness of a silly ghost story told in full daylight, and produces about as much real effect on the hearer.
There are numerous other classes among the "ridiculous poets" that might be referred to, as for instance, the silly :
"A little boy,
A pair of skates,
A hole in the ice,
The golden gates."
A poor joke, as old as the hills. But it is not worth while to dilate at greater length.
Such examples as we have quoted above are not by any means uncommon,-unfortunately. They have been chosen quite at random, for the sole reason that they illustrate a style of poetry which it is almost a duty to put down, so far as lies in our power.