

The Yale freshmen were defeated by Williamston Seminary, Saturday, by a score of 7 to 4. The batting of the Yale freshmen was weak, and their fielding was far from good.

Rain prevented the freshmen from playing at Providence yesterday. A game may yet be arranged with the Brown freshmen, to be played at Cambridge.

The Harvard catcher in the Brown game was a freshman. He and the pitcher of the freshman nine formerly were the battery of the very successful Racine College nine. '87, take notice and brace. [News.

A large number of men were disappointed in the inability of the freshmen to play yesterday. About seventy-five men accompanied the nine. A special car was furnished for their accommodation.

A drawing of numbers has resulted in placing the speakers for the Boylston Prizes in the following order. Holmes, Webster, Eliot, Ward, Jack, Barnes, Nutter, Ramage, Wilson, Saunders, Winter, Baldwin, Bailey Greenman, Agassiz, McIntosh.


It has at length been finally decided that the tug-of-war contests at the inter-collegiate games this year shall be pulled for five minutes instead of ten, as formerly. The reason for this shortening of the time is because the strain is much greater on cleats than on the ground.

The first of the series of four games for the baseball championship of Yale and Harvard will be played Saturday. The arrangement of seats will be much the same as last year. The seats from the right of the entrance to the backstop will be reserved for ladies and their escorts.
