

A correspondent from New York says that the Columbia freshmen are entirely confident of winning their race with our freshmen.

The date for the hour examination in freshman Analytics was changed from May 17th to May 16th, on account of the freshman game upon the former date.

The Cricket Club will not do any practicing this year on account of the impossibility of getting its grounds on Jarvis field sodded and in proper working order.

'85 has the three strongest men in college, Foster, Boyden and Gorham, in the order named ; according to the tests of a recent physical examination by Dr. Sargent.

The freshman nine leaves the Boston and Proyidence depot for Providence, at 1 o'clock. Tickets for round trip at $1.00 may be procured from the manager.


Prof. Shaler has requested that all the men who propose to take up N. H. 4 next year inform him of the section of the country in which they will spend their summer vacation, as he will be able to give them some points which will be of service in practical geological observation.

President Porter's idea that Yale is doing its full duty toward young women by educating young men to "influence" them is thoroughly mannish. The best influence commonly comes from the other side. At the same time, we rare that Wellesley or Vassar is better for the girls than Yale or Harvard. [Herald.

The following named men are the successful competitors for the Boylston Prize Speaking, which is to take place May 8 : Agassiz, Bailey, Baldwin, Barnes, Eliot, Greenman, Holmes, Jack, McIntosh, Nutter, Ramage, Saunders, Ward, Webster, Wilson, Winter. The announcement of the order will be made shortly. It will be determined by lot.
