The game with the Beacons this afternoon is likely to be hotly contested, as our nine will be in better trim than they were on Wednesday.
There will be an excursion to Quincy today, in N. H. 4. The train leaves the Old Colony at 1.15 P. M. The return train will leave Quincy at 5.20.
It is rumored that the Country Club intends to give a tennis tournament, in which representatives of Harvard and Yale will compete for the championship.
The Yale Phi Beta Kappa men from 85 were initiated on last Wednesday. Ex-president Woolsey of Yale College was present, and took part in the exercises.
The Shepard church will tomorrow receive a considerable increase in membership. Among the new members will be several persons who are connected with the college.
Forest and Stream will offer a $100 cup to be contested for by college shooting clubs next year. Now is the time for Yale to bring out all the old shooting irons and Queen's arms she can muster, as conservatism is sure to win. Modern rifles will be nowhere. [New Haven Union.
The Algebra examination for freshmen comes today, at 10 A. M. Freshmen and special students will find their books alphabetically arranged as follows :
Abbot to Endicott, Mass. 1.
Faulkner to Kuhn, Mass. 3.
Ladd to Sumner, Sev. 37.
Talbot to Zinkheisen, U. E. R.
All others will go to U. E. R.