The performance in the Cadet minstrels, which are to be repeated Friday, are largely recruited from Harvard veterans, all from odd-year classes. Among them are Butler, '77; Snelling, Guild and Seaverns, '81; Dorr, Easton, Hale and Chandler, '83, and Swinscoe, '85.
Among the records made at the university meet of the Yale Athletic Club, the following are the noticeable ones : Briggs, '85, put the shot 34ft. 11in. in beating Coxe. The hurdle race was won by Luddington, in 19 1-4s. The best of all was a remarkable one-mile walk against time made by Meredith, in 7m. 18 3-4s.
The following is the standing of the college nines in the championship series :
Games won. Games lost. Games to play.
Harvard, 4 1 5
Amherst, 2 1 7
Yale, 2 1 7
Brown, 2 2 6
Dartmouth, 1 3 6
Princeton, 1 4 5
The last recitation in Greek 7 will take place tomorrow. On Tuesday there will be a voluntary examination consisting of two parts on the portion of Thucydides which has been read since the mid-years.