

Cornell is to give a ball in aid of her navy.

Over $1,000 has been subscribed for the nine at Williams.

The Shooting Club will meet at Watertown tomorrow.

Princeton has met with unusually hard luck on the present trip.

The Chicagos were defeated yesterby the Bostons. Score, 5 to 3.


The university launch. the "'67," was unable to follow the race today.

The class baby of '84 at Brown stands 6ft. 1in.; the giant, 5ft. 3 1-2in.

The Brown freshmen will play Harvard '87 on Jarvis field, Thursday, at 4 P. M.

Hunt, the eatcher of the Amherst nine, expects to be able to play in a few weeks.

E. J. Wendell, '82, was one of the judges at the Princeton athletic games for the class championship.

The course of lectures by Professor Lovering on "Electricity and Magnetism will be continued today."

The concert of the Glee Club and pierian Sodality this evening will be followed by dancing in Memorial.

Peck & Snyder will furnish the tennis associations of the colleges belonging to the inter-collegiate association with balls, at a reduction of 20 per cens., namely, at $48.00 per gross.

Of the ball games in the Yale-Harvard series since 1868, Yale has won twenty-two and Harvard twenty-one.

Rav. C. V. Spear of Pittsfield, Mass,. has given Oberlin College, Ohio, $25,000 for the erection of a library building

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