

The game between the Boston and Metropolitans, postponed from Fast Day will probably be played off the latter part of the month.

The following men will compose the nine in the game today: Nichols, p; Allen, c; Smith, 1st b; Phillips, 2d b; Seaman 3d b; Baker, s. s; LeMoyne, l. f; Crocker, c. f; Lovering, r. f.

Some experiments were recently tried by O'Rouke and White of the Buffalo club with the new catcher's protection, which is a flat rubber case, filled up with air and worn over the chest and abdomen. O'Rouke put the protector on and claims that he could not fell a ball thrown by White at a distance of ten feet.

Bicyclists will be pleased to learn that by a recent decision of the attorney-general of the United States that hereafter bicycles will be considered as personal effects, and as such will be admitted free of duty when accompanied by the owner. This will enable riders to get machines in England and bring them over much cheaper than they can buy them in this country.

Tho Athletics defeated the Yale nine on Saturday, by a score of 10 to 5. The base running of Yale was very fine. The Athletics made 10 safe hits from Booth's delivery, while Yale made but 5, with a total of 6 from Atkinson.-The following men composed the Yale nine: Booth p., Southern c., Brigham 1st b., Terry 2d b., Hopkins 3d b., Oliver s. s., Hickox l. f., Atwood c, f., McKee r. f.


Bowdoin prizes have been awarded as follows: H. H. Brogan, '85, $50, for an essay on the "Conservation and Dissipation of Energy;" C. A. Whittemore, '85, $50 for an essay on the "Origin of Meteorites;" H. M. Clarke, '79, $100 for a Latin translation from Macaulay; C. B. Gleason, '85, $75 for an essay on Aristophanes as an Exponent of the Manners and Customs of his Times; C. M. Walsh, '84, $75 for a Greek translation from Jowett's Introduction to Plato's Theacteus.
