Colonel Thomas L. Livermore will tonight lecture before the Historical Society, this lecture being the last of the course. Subject: "The Northern Volunteer."
The Harvard Canoe Club is the first organization of the kind formed at an American college, though canoeing has long been popular at Oxford and Cambridge.
Junior Themes. Mr. Wendell will meet all sections, advanced and regular, in Sever 11, today, at two o'clock, to give the first of his informal talks on reading.
Amherst, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton and Yale are expected to be represented in the bicycle race at the inter-collegiate games this spring. It will undoubtedly be a race well worth looking at. [Ex.
Prof. E. L. Richards, assistant professor of mathematics at Yale, on Saturday walked across the state of Connecticut from Granby, at the Massachusetts line, to New Haven, a distance of 54 miles, in 17 1-2 hours.
The freshmen nine held a meeting past night to elect a permanent captain of the team. As Mr. Loud expressed his desire not to be considered a candidate for the team, Mr. Willard was chosen to the position. Mr. F. S. Coolidge, in behalf of the class, thanked the retiring captain for his faithful and earnest work in the organization of the nine. Mr. W. B. Scofield was reappointed manager of the nine.