

The Yale Quip is on sale at Sever's.

Baker will play with the nine today.

Courtney is at present coaching the Cornell crew.

The Columbia freshmen will go on to the river in about two weeks.

Mr. Robert Grant's "Average Man" is to be published in book form within a few weeks.


Columbia was well represented at the Hasty Pudding theatricals in New York.

The committee on the sophomore dinner particularly requests that no dress suits be worn.

The play given at the benefit of the Yale navy, will be produced again in New York.

The nine will leave Porter's Station for Fitchburg on Saturday morning on the 11.15 train.

Mr. Dole will have charge of the men at Yale who are in training for the Mott Haven games.

The second volume of Professor McMaster's "History of the American People" will appear in the fall.

Mr. John T. Morse, Jr., will write the life of John Adams in the "American Statesman" series.

The graduating class at the Dartmouth school of engineering, has just passed its final examinations.

At a recent canvass made at the University of Wisconsin to obtain the choice for presidential candidate among the students, Blaine received 77 votes, Edmunds 24 and Arthur 14.

Up to noon yesterday 103 names had been signed at Bartlett's for the sophomore class dinner, which takes place tonight.
