

Charles Reade, the novelist, died yesterday.

There was a cut in N. H. 2, last Thursday.

Workmen are at work repairing the new running track.

Souther, '84, is catching a very fine game for the Yale nine.

Yale is confident of her ability to wrest from us the Mott Haven cup.


The lacrosse game between Yale and Harvard will be played at Cambridge on May 17th.

The old diamond on Jarvis field has been repaired, and is in very fine condition at present.

Prof. G. H. Palmer's translation of the first twelve books of the Odyssey is now in press.

Prof. Shaler's "First Book in Geology," to be published by Ginn, Heath and Co., is now in press.

Two lads capsized their canoe opposite the boat house yesterday forenoon. They were got ashore without much difficulty.

The shoot at Watertown to have been held Thursday, was postponed until Wednesday next, on account of the rain.

The freshman nine will not play a game this afternoon as was expected. They will practice as usual at 11 A. M., on Jarvis field.

Season tickets for the ball games can be obtained at Bartlett and Leavitt and Pierce's, they will also be for sale at the game this afternoon.

Prof. J. B. Thayer, of the Law School, has an interesting article in the current Nation, on the "Constitutionality of Legislation."

The contract for saddling the new field has been given out, and work will be begun as soon as the ground is in fit condition.
