

3. W. P. Homans, 168

4. B. B. Thayer, 180

5. J. R. Yocom, 176

6. A. Keith, 168

7. C. F. Gilman, 170


Sstroke. O. R. Hosmer, 154

Substitutes, A. J. Bowen, 162 lbs. and W. Baldwin, 156 lbs.; coxswain, J. L. Whiteside, 110 lbs. The bow and No. 4 do not face their blades with the others, No. 2 swings crooked, while 3 and 4 dip too deep on the catch. No. 5 looks out of the boat too often and 6's oar "slivers out" at the finish. 7 and 8 "clip." When these faults have been corrected, the juniors will be in condition to make a hard struggle for first place.

The sophomores are at present rowing in the best form of any of the class crews. Their oars fall well together, and considering the fact that there are four new men in the boat, they have made good progress since they began work on the river. On Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays Colonel Bancroft finds time to coach them; on the other days his place is taken by Mr. Perin, stroke of the '83 crew. The sophomores are seated in the following order:


Bow. M. S. Latham, 138

2. A. H. Vogel, 157

3. O. B. Roberts, 161

4. C. R. Brown, 147

5. J. C. Ayer, 158

6. T. H. Cabot, 164.
