

The new comic paper at Yale is to be called Quip.

Yale has thirty men training for the lacrosse team.

There was a cut in Political Economy 7, yesterday.

Yesterday's pleasant weather brought out several tennis enthusiasts.

R. W. Lovering, '84; has been elected a member of the Pi Eta Society.


Subscribers to the junior class dinner can have their money refunded at Bartlett's.

Three suites of apartments are being made out of the old recitation rooms in Holyoke.

Professor Greenough reads this evening the second half of the "Trinumunmus" of Plautus.

The nine will play the Beacons on Fast Day, and will meet the Williams nine on Decoration Day.

Professor Lovering will to day continue his course of lectures on "Electricity and Magnetism."

The whole of Jarvis Field is being rolled by the large horse-roller while the ground is still soft.

The Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association hold their annual meeting at New York this evening.

The fourth competition for the Walnut Hill Cup will be shot on the Middlesex Grounds tomorrow.

Probabilities are that the Princeton nine will field better, but be weaker at the bat, than last year's nine.

Arrangements have been made for the establishment of an American college in Shanghai, China.
