Trinity College has obtained the map of America in 1522. It was made from the ideas of Columbus and first printed at Madrid.
Dr. Edward Channing lectures before the Historical Society this evening on "Vicksburg," Oct. 24, 1862, to July 4, 1863.
Cornell expects to have a very good nine this year. They are coached by Humphries, of last year's New York league nine.
It will be impossible to use the new grounds at all this year. Both the nine and lacrosse teams will be compelled to play on Jarvis.
Captain Perkins was in Troy on Saturday to make arrangements with Waters about a new shell for the university crew.
Greek 3 will begin the Hiad tomorrow. Members of the section are asked to bring to the recitation the text of book x., and a small note book.
The four class crews rowed on the river Saturday. The 'varsity was unable to row on account of the absence of Capt. Perkins.
A lecture on "The Study of Political Economy" will be given by Professor Laughlin, on May 5, in the Finance Club Series.
The freshmen have selected a light grey flannel for their uniforms, the same as will be worn by the Yale 'Varsity.
Sections 3 and 4 (J. E. Howe to Zeigler), and the volunteer section may obtain the third senior forensic this afternoon.
The Divinity Hall lectures will be continued this evening by Prof. W. W. Goodwin, who will speak on "Plato's and Aristotle's Doctrines of the Immortality of the Soul."
It is reported that members of the '85 and '86 freshman nines will organize a nine under the name of the "Holyokes." We think this a capital idea, as they will be able to give excellent practice to the freshmen. We hopWe hope the plan will be carried out.