Second round was about the same as the first, Woodbury leading heavily, and Smith showing skill in countering. The fighting was about even, the round did not seem to belong to either. The final round was hotly contested. Woodbury commenced the fighting as usual by following his former tactics, and fighting hardest at the beginning. The round was in favor of smith. In the close fighting Smith showed himself the better boxer of the two, but Woodbury seemed to be the hardest fighter. It was a very good contest. In deciding the bout, the judges disagreed as to the winner, and the referee awarded the bout to Mr. Woodbury.
LIGHT-WEIGHT WRESTLING.No one having entered against Mr. Bangs he was awarded the cup.
HEAVY-WEIGHT WRESTLING.For this W. S. Barnes, '86, and E. Sutton, '85, were entered. Mr. Barnes did not appear at the time the event was called and the cup was awarded to Mr. Sutton.
PUTTING THE SHOT.Three men, Weed and Homans, '85, and Chamberlain, '86, entered. This was one of the most interesting shot contests which have been contested here at a winter meeting. Each man was allowed three throws. Weed won by a throw of 33 ft. 6 in., Chamberlain second, with a throw of 30 ft. 5 in. This is a much better throw than was made last year.
MIDDLE-WEIGHT WRESTLING.R. J. Oglesby, '87, and Outram Bangs, '84, special. The two men began with some very lively passes and one or two face falls. The event gave promise of being very hotly contested, but after a few minutes of this work Mr. Oglesby decided to withdraw, being afraid of using up his strength before the tug-of-war. He thus sacrificed his own chances of winning to strengthen the chances of the class team.
HEAVY-WEIGHT WRESTLING.Here Mr. Haughton had a walkover and won his cup without any work.
FINAL BOUT OF THE MIDDLE-WEIGHT SPARRING.The final bout of the middleweight sparring brought out the winner of the first bout, Mr. Woodbury, and Mr. J. J. Colony who had drawn a bye. The first round was pretty evenly contested, neither man gaining any decided advantage. Woodbury seemed somewhat tired from his former bout, but did most of the leading and kept Colony on the defence most of the time. The latter, however, proved himself the better in close fighting. The second round was hotly contested, Woodbury tried several times to hit Colony a round-arm blow, but almost every time just missed him, while the latter got in some good blows. This round was decidedly in favor of Colony. In the final round there was some very pretty fighting. Woodbury seemed, for a few moments, to have recovered himself, but it was not for long. Again and again he missed his roundarm blows, while Colony proved much his superior in the close fighting. The bout was given to Colony.
THE TUG-OF-WAR.After the middleweight sparring was concluded, the crowd began to elbow and push itself forward, and the same scene of confusion that was seen a year ago was again witnessed. There was a good deal of excitement over this event. The freshman had great confidence in their team, and although the sophomore team had been greatly changed during the last few days owing to the absence of its anchor, nevertheless the sophomores felt a good deal of confidence that their team would be the winning one. The teams were as follows:
'86-1. H. A. Taylor; 2, G. C. Adams; 3, T. H. Cabot; (anchor), M. G. Haughton, Jr.
'87-1. R. J. Oglesby; 2, B. Litchfield; 3, F. Remington; (anchor), A Cochrane.
The drop was about even. The freshmen made the first heave and gained a little. Their gain was continual, with one exception, when '86 got in a good heave and regained a little rope. But it was all in vain, and when time was called at the end of the five minutes, '87 had won by nearly seven inches. The gymnasium immediately became the scene of frantic enthusiasm, as the victorious freshmen carried their team from the cleats.
All in all the meeting was a fairly successful one, although, owing to the small number of the entries there was less competition for each event than was desirable. It is hoped that the next meetings may be better contested throughout. More interest ought to be shown by those who enter the events and less indifference felt toward the issue of the meetings. The success of the meetings, of course, depends to a great extent on the number of entries, and it is most unpleasant to see the success of the meetings jeopardized by any lack of such enthusiasm as ought to be shown.