Orchestral Concert. Boston Symphony Orchestra. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 P. M.
21. FRIDAY.Harvard Finance Club. What makes the Rate of Wages? Edward Atkinson, Esq. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.
SENIOR FORENSICS.The third forensic will be returned to sections 3 and 4 (J. E. Howe to Ziegler) and the volunteer section, on Tuesday, March 18, from 2 till 4 P. M., in Sever 1.
The fourth forensic will be due on March 25. Subjects: 1. Ought the government do anything to aid in reviving the commerce of the United states? 2. What ought to be considered the real issues in the coming presidential election contest? 3. Why does poverty tend to increase as the population and wealth of a nation increase? 4. The influence of religion upon plastic art and painting. 5. Define Realism as exemplified in novel writing. 6. The influence of Aristotle on modern thought.
JUNIOR THEMES.Mr. Wendell will meet all sections (advanced and regular) in Sever 11, on Tuesday, March 18, at 2 o'clock, to discuss the subject of theme 6.
Theme 5 will be returned with criticisms in Sever 5, on Thursday, March 20, from 2 to 5.
Theme 6 will be due on Thursday, March 27. Subject: A Persuasive Argument.
Advanced Section.-Theme 9 will be due on Thursday, March 30. Subject: An Exposition. Students will sign this theme with their numbers, not with their names. Theme 10, which correspondents with the regular theme 6, will be due on March 27.