A number of Yale men are thinking of making a tour on foot through France and Germany during the summer vacation.
L. U. Bailey, Jr., B. S., assistant in the Herbarium, has been appointed instructor in taxonomy and phylography in the Correspondence University.
McGill University, Montreal, was visited Monday by Lord Lansdowne, to whom the students presented an address of welcome.
There are forty-eight registered physicians in Pittsburgh, Pa., who have no diplomas. Medical-diploma factories are running on half time this winter. [Ex.
A department known as the "Agricultural" has been introduced in the Yale Courant, in which useful hints to the young western ranche enthusiasts are given.
The lesson for Monday, February 11, in Latin 1, will be chapters i., iv. of the Agricola of Tacitus. Edition recommended: W. F. Allen's "Germania and Agricola."
Next season Harvard cannot help having a good team, and, with a good captain and plenty of practice during April, they will make a good showing. [The Sun.
It is said that some Harvard men are in town to get the shell at the fair for Captain Perkins. Yale men should see that Captain Flanders gets the shell. [Yale News.
Captain Perkins has requested the various class captains to hand him the names of men on their crews who are willing to form a second university eight to row after the class races.
Advanced sections in Freshman Greek begin the Odyssey and Sidgwick's Prose Composition next week, reciting twice a week on the Odyssey, and once in composition. All advanced sections will recite together, in the Odyssey, to Professor White, in Sever 35.