

A new college for the higher education of women has been chartered in New York. It will bear the name of Reed College.

Mr. Charles Dudley Warner is to commence a course of lectures at Yale. His subject will be the "Relations of Literature to Life."

Prospects for the coming baseball season at Princeton are excellent. It is thought that the honors will fall to Princeton this spring. [Ex.

It is probable that the Yale race will not be given up, as the graduate committee feel that they would be compromised by such a measure.

Several pairs of freshman shoes are conspicuous in the gallery at prayers, being thrust comfortably through the balustrade by their owners.


Piles will soon be driven for a new balcony and platform at the boathouse. No attempt has been made to repair the old structure since the accident occurred.

The St. Pauls School Boat Club are to have new boats from Waters, the boat-builder, at half price, because their boats of last year from him turned out total failures.

Mr. Gladstone has offered Professor Goldwin Smith the professorship of history at Oxford. In case Professor Smith declines, the position will be offered to Prof. Edward A. Freeman.

At the recent winter games of White-law College, the tug-of-war team from the college nine was pulled off the cleats by a team from the college proctors, though the latter were the lighter team.

Marks will be given out tomorrow in French 1. It is said that on the first examination of the books in this course such a large number were found to be deficient as to render necessary a general raise in the marking.

It is asserted by the Herald that the Harvard nine has arranged a series of games with the Annex. This may be somewhat premature, as it is not yet known whether the Annex has adopted the new regulations.

As is the usual custom students will have the privilege during Lent of attending prayers at St. John's Chapel instead of at Appleton Chape. A written permit from the office is necessary to effect the change.

The Shooting Club will take the 2.30 car from Harvard square, tomorrow afternoon, for Watertown. If the weather is such as to necessitate postponement, due notice will be posted on the University bulletin boards.
