

By checks cashed, $15,872 09

By balance, 66 83

Total, $15,938 92

A table follows showing that the increase of business over that done the previous year, is $4,892.87. The total cash received during 1883-84, was $9,656.27.

It might be as well to add here, that owing to the nature of the case, most of what would naturally be the business of a treasurer falls on the superintendent. It would be impossible for an undergraduate to spare the time necessary for attending strictly to the funds of the society, as in that case he would have to overlook the accounts daily. His duty is therefore principally to act as a check upon the superintendent who manages altogether the financial details.


The following is the cash account of the superintendent, Mr. A. A. Waterman:


Cash in bank, Feb. 16, 1883, $629 32

Cash in hands of superintendent, 1883, 121 74

Received as dues, 1,314 00

Received For goods sold, 5,439 62

Received For goods ordered, 5,149 01

Received For coal and wood, 5,529 70

Received For second-hand books, 787 38

Received For second-hand furniture, 1,102 95
