The vote for Memorial Hall directors last evening was as follows: J. H. Huddleston, 65; J. M. Thompson, 24; M. W. Richardson, 10; scattering, 2. Mr. Huddleston is therefore elected a director from '86.
The Co-operative rooms will be open till 9.30 o'clock this morning to enable members to get their book proceeds, if any are due, and to get away any ordered goods that may be ready for them.
Persons desiring to join the Co-operative Society can send in their names and receive blank agreements to sign and return, thus saving the trouble of personally putting down their names on the membership books at the office of the society.
Prof. Hill will meet any senior entitled to a commencement part who has not yet handed in the subject on which he wishes to write, or who desires to change the subject he has handed in, between the hours of 2.30 and 3.30 P. M. Tuesday, February 19, in Sever 1.
The list of the colleges concerned in the matter of the new athletic regulations is as follows: Williams, Amherst, Dartmouth, Tufts, Harvard, Columbia, Trinity, Hobart, Lafayette, Rutgers, Union, Bowdoin, Princeton, College of the City of New York, Stevens Institute, Wesleyan University, Brown, Cornell, Lehigh, Johns Hopkins, University of Vermont, and the University of Pennsylvania. It is not likely that the Yale faculty will vote on the resolutions at all.
The captain of the Princeton nine, says the N. Y. Tribune, has openly declared that under such restrictions as those recently proposed in the N. Y. conference he will not attempt the management of the team, and other old players have avowed their intention of giving up the sport. One of them was heard to say that if the champion Yale was excluded, the contests would be reduced to walk over, and all interest and enthusiasm would be at an end. This is the general verdict at Princeton.