Recitations begin today, and the absurdity of having them begin right after the semi-annual examinations will be fully proved by the attendance.
It is proposed to make the studies of the junior and senior years at Cornell almost wholly elective in the general courses.
At the Mott Haven games this spring there will be more than one bicycle race, as is usually the case; in all probability a one-mile and a two-mile race.
At the Yale athletic games this winter a new feature will be introduced, -a tug-of-war with no limit as to the weight of the men.
On Saturday afternoon Messrs. Fenno and Watson of the graduate boating committee witnessed the rowing of the different crews. Mr. Vatson coached the 'varsity for several minutes.
The meeting of the faculty tomorrow will be to make a final decision upon the question of professionals. It is expected that their verdict will be made public on Wednesday.
Princeton hopes to win the baseball championship this spring. Five of last years' nine, including Moffat, pitcher, and Harlan, catcher, are still in college.
The Herald commenting on the subject of compulsory athletic says that "inasmuch as Harvard has excellent opportunities for the adoption of such a system, it may come in vogue."
Mr. Charles Thorndike has published a card in the daily papers requesting that the subscriptions for the new Hasty Pudding Club building be paid at once, as the money is needed. More contributions are also desired.
It is to be hoped that before the semi-annual examinations next year the college authorities will take means to have the examination rooms in Massachusetts Hall made fairly comfortable.
Yale students will give two enter tainments for the benefit of their boat club. The programme will consist of a minstrel show by the Glee Club and a burlesque called "The Bakers Daughter."
The following men are trying for positions on the freshman tug-of-war team: Carole, Ogilsby, Cowling, Whitelam, Scott, Higginson and Remington, under the direction of Captain Cochrane.