
Fact and Rumor.

The Lampoon was out yesterday.

The text books in history is expected here the latter part of this week.

The Ames-Gray law club holds its moot-courts every Monday evening.

A new law club has been organized by the students of the Law School.

Some of the men have already left for home.


The section in French 9 will be examined to day in Sever 23, at 3 P. M.

The freshman eleven were photographed in uniform on Tuesday.

Conjectures are now rife as to where the next plank walk will be laid.

The Dining Association proposes to enforce the rule against carrying fruit from the tables.

The new system of recording attendance by handing in slips of paper has been adopted in N. H. 4.

The entering class at Vassar is small this year, numbering only forty-five members.

Some conferences between students and faculty or instructors are rumored to be probabilities of the near future.

Before the snow came the Amherst students in the different sections had several spirited foot ball matches.

Thomas Nast, the caricaturist, is booked for illustrated lectures at many of the other colleges during the coming winter.

Yesterday was the end of the first collegiate term at Princeton. Today the Christmas holidays begin. Happy Princeton.
