
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. Briggs will be unable to meet the students in Freshman English before Saturday Dec. 20. Every student will please bring on Saturday, a short analysis of the chapter on "Principles of Choice," pp. 93 103.

The travels and adventures of "Three Vassar Girls in South America" are more interesting than the experiences of three Vassar Girls in England for the excellent reason that the incidents are not of the every day type.

Two corrections should be made in the list of mid-year examinations published yesterday. Under Friday, January 23, read Natural History 7 instead of N. H. 3, and under Monday, February 2, insert Pol. Econ. 2.

The great interest taken in foot ball in England, and the skill with which it is played, is well shown by the fact that the combined foot ball teams of Oxford and Cambridge were recently defeated with ease by a London eleven.

According to the present editor of the Index. the notice in last Monday's CRIMSON, which read, "The Index ought to be out. It is very much later than usual, later than last year's Index, which was weeks behindhand," should have read, "The Index ought to be out, but it is not later than usual, not later than last year's Index, which was not weeks behindhand." The present delay, we believe, is due entirely to the printer.

