
Rules for the Mott Haven Team.

On and after today the divisions of the Mott Haven Team will be limited to those men only who comply with the following requirements:

1. Every member must have made a record in some one event equal to one of those given below:

Mile run, 5m, 30s.

Half-mile run, 2m. 25s.

Quarter-mile run, 60s.


220 yards, 26s.

100 yards, 1f 1 2s.

120 yards hurdle, 20s.

Mile walk. 9m.

Two mile bicycle race, 7m. 3Cs.

One mile bicycle race, 3m. 30s.

Running high jump, 4ft. 10m.

Running broad jump, 17 ft.

Shot, 28 ft.

Hammer, 50ft.
