
Fact and Rumor.

The notes in Hist. 13 will hereafter be delivered at the opening of the lectures. Back numbers should be immediately called for at the co-operative rooms.

Several small boys might have been seen Saturday morning taking advantage of the steep and slippery slide near the Chapel, and having a right good time.

The tenth number of the second series of the Johns Hopkins Historical Studies, is "Town and Country Government in the English Colonies of North America, by Dr. Edward Channing of Harvard College.

The Columbia boat club, which was very heavily in debt last year, has reduced its debt so as to be now only four hundred dollars behind hand. W. A. Meikleham has been elected captain of the club for the ensuing year.

Bowling, the great "Freshman elective," is being carried on in the gymnasium bowling allies with great vim and enthusiasm. The alleys are in constant use every afternoon, not one of the eight ever being vacant for more than five minutes at a time.


It is said that Prof. Gosse of Cambridge University, England, who will lecture here this evening, has never attended school or college, but was educated at home, under the careful supervision of his mother, a lady of rare culture and force of character. Under these circumstances his appointment to the chair of English literature at Cambridge was an honor almost unprecedented, and proves conclusively his great ability.
