
Fact and Rumor.

The lacrosse team will begin regular work in the cage after the Christmas holidays. Two squads for regular exercise in gymnasium work are being organized from the candidates for the team.

Fifteen men who have never before rowed on the crew, beside most of the old men, are trying for positions in the junior boat. The new men are being coached by Captain Latham and some of the old oarsmen of the class.

The officers of the '86 Pi Eta are as follows: President, W. C. Boyden; Vice-President, J. H. Payne; Secretary, C. M. Thompson; Treasurer, C. R. Brown; Chorister, E. H. Ferry; Stage Manager, O. B. Roberts; Artist, W. W. Simmons; Caterer, J. C. Falkner.

The Historical Society was entertained at Mr. Justin Windsor's residence on Tuesday evening. Mr. Windsor delivered a lecture on "The Right and Wrong of the Name of America." Dr. Francke, Mr. E. E. Hale, Jr., and Mr. Cummings, D. S., were elected members of the society.

George Augustus Sala, the man whom the London press has dubbed the Prince of Journalists, is coming to America, and will lecture in Boston on January 7 and 9 in Tremont Temple. Mr. Sala is connected with the Daily Telegraph, and is the most prolific writer of living journalists.


The Shakespeare Club had great difficulty, it is rumored, in deciding upon a name. Shakespeare Club, Boylston Club, Elocution Club, Harvard Oratorical Society were proposed; then The Gas Bag, The Jones Club, and The Spouting Horn were proposed. A compromise was proposed in the form of "The Shakespeare-Boylston Elocution Club of Oratory and Dramatic Art," which was rejected.
