Considerable interest in the play of the '88 eleven was shown by the upperclassmen who watched the game yesterday.
It is proposed to lay out a new polo ground in New York. The site selected is along the Harlem river, near High Bridge Park.
It is rumored that the foot ball eleven of Michigan University will make a trip through the east next week. In that event a game will be played in Cambridge.
Some ingenious persons covered the John Harvard statue last night with a coat of tar. The same persons presumable, marked a large '87 on the wall at the entrance of the chapel.
The University of Vermont has at last decided to learn the Rugby game of foot ball. The old fashioned game, strange to say, has never been given up in that university.
The University of London has recently, for the first time, given titles of Doctor and Master of Arts to a lady. Fifty have been created Bachelors of Arts, eight Bachelors of Science and three Bachelors of Medicine.-[Ex.
There will be either three or four foot ball games next week. One with the graduate eleven and with Wesleyan in Cambridge, the Yale-Harvard championship game at New Haven and possibly a game here with Michigan.
Prospect Park, Brooklyn, has now the largest tennis ground of the country. During the past summer, 160 courts were laid out and 250 permits were granted to clubs and parties who wished to play. These permits are granted to any respectable person applying for them, the players supplying the implements of the game except in some cases, the net. Lockers are provided for both ladies and gentlemen in the picture house, and no charge is made for using them.-[Ex.
The Princeton team arrived in Boston last night on the 9 P. M. Train, N. Y. and N. E. R. R., and put up at the Revere House. The team is without the services of Adams, their large centre rush, who has played in all the games up to date. The team will be composed of the following men, Rushers: H. Hodge Irvine, Bird, [captain], Griffith, Harris, Wanamaker, Decamp. Quarter back: R. Hodge. Half backs, Baker, Lamar: Back, Moffatt. Substitutes: Toler, Edwards and Blair.