
Fact and Rumor.

The Woolsley battation of Yale paraded in Bridgeport Wednesday evening, and notwithstanding a severe rain storm, are said to have made a very fine appearance, and undoubtedly had a great time.

The Yale University eleven defeated the Yale Freshman eleven by the score of 25 to 0. The Yale eleven has defeated all the college elevens it has played with so far by a greater score than that.

Hon. Roland Hazard of Providence, who lectured on "Wool" before the Harvard Finance Club last winter, recently lectured on the same subject to the students of the University of Michigan.

Tickets for Andover will be on sale at Bartlett's until 11.30 today. All who cannot get them there must ask for a "Harvard" ticket to Andover at the depot in order to secure the reduced rates.

The eleven which is to represent Eighty-Eight against the Andover team this afternoon, is made up as follows: rushers, Hurd, Bancroft, Balch, Homans, Purdon, Woodman, Churchchill; half-backs, Fargo, Holden; quarter-back, Osgood; full-back, Porter, (captain.)


The next Mathematical Seminar will be held Thursday, Nov. 6, at 4. P. M. in University 19. There will be a short lecture on the calculation of the eclipses of the moon, followed by a discussion of the following subject.-The formation of the section of an oblique cone, particularly with reference to the determination of sections of given eccentricity.
